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«Museum circle of Prykarpattya» - a project with such name was started at the beginning of May 2008 in the Ivano-Frankivsk region (Ukraine). 

Vacations in Ivano-Frankivsk region become more and more popular among the Ukrainian and foreign tourists. Among the factors that influence the decision for having rest in the region are its unique culture and rich historical heritage. The important place belongs to the regional museums. Their collections have the extraordinary power on formation of the personality; attract citizens to the national and world historical and cultural heritage.

As for now, the most prevalent in the informational sphere is data about tourist companies, accommodation facilities and their services. And there is lack of the information about exhibitions, art and cultural events, organized by or in the museums, lack of the “intellectual product” for tourists within the general vacation package in the region. The absence of such information is partly caused by lack of the single source of actual information, insufficient computerization of the museums, their financial inability to organize the promotional campaigns about the exhibits or events in the museums.

On the basis of the conducted meetings with the directors of the Ivano-Frankivsk art museum, Ivano-Frankivsk local lore museum, representatives of Culture Dept. of Ivano-Frankivsk regional state administration, by this project we suggest to conduct the row of activities with the purpose to combine the museums of the region into an initiative group with subsequent creation of the separated direction within the framework RTIC and forming of bases for development of Ivano-Frankivsk Museums Association, creation of shareable informative resource about the museums of the Ivano-Frankivsk region, where information about museums activity will be placed, possibilities of their development and improvement of the state of their possibilities for access to the present exhibits and information about them for the wide layers of population. 

    Activity of initiative group and its regular meetings will allow working out general actions with the management of Culture Dept. of Ivano-Frankivsk regional state administration for preservation and advancement of cultural and historical heritage of the region, decision of problems of functioning, to provide an exchange experience and information. The illustrating of information about museums, exhibits, activities and exhibitions on common Internet resource will cause bringing in of new visitors in a museum, and, consequently, growth of additional income into museums. 

    The project was implemented within 14 months at support of the program MATRA KAP of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands in Ukraine. The project partners were Tourism Dept. and Culture Dept. of Ivano-Frankivsk regional state administration, Ivano-Frankivsk regional art museum.

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