Kosivskiy district  The Museum «Forest sculpture»

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Cheremshyna Str., 57, Yabluniv village, 

Kosiv district, 78621

tel.: (03478) 3-60-60 



Forest sculpture is the difficult tandem of nature, fantasy and mastery of a man. Exactly this combination – the dying off forest root and living creation found in nature – makes the art of root-plastic.

Everybody has the unspoken, little known side. A forest sculpture is the unspoken side of Igor Fartushniy. The things which do not impress, which in nature usually is not noticed by the ordinary people, find the new life in the hands of this creator. Real artist, not craftsman-stylizer, Mr. Igor finds the future poetic sculptural creations under the wrinkles of fanciful roots, wreckages of trees, growths, rhizomes, cones, mushrooms.

His root-plastic is the alloy of love and bitter taste, hope and madness, funny and magic, comical and original sin. It is the individual philosophy, self-expression, the vision of world in his most ancient, domestic, history and even shaman expressions. While observing the exhibition, not once it is possible to catch oneself on the dual feeling. Expressiveness of the works sometimes does not need the reflections: they agitate, fascinate, enjoy. However, among a generous amount there are such works that compel to reasoning, because they mean something large, unexplored, secret, and divine.

The beauty is always strange. Sure, every masterpiece created by nature, is already perfect by itself, therefore Mr. Igor tries to bring in changes in sculptural forms, to store their priority and originality as few as possible.

The separate attention has to be paid to those figures, which by plan, by patience, by vivid thought, by a creative selflessness have birth in the author’s workshop. Works of sculptor – figures with the luxurious female outlines, birds, miracle-beast, appearances of real and mythical people, whimsical creations charm everybody by the imperishable look.

In collection of Mr. Igor there are hundred of works, and yet great number of them are in the process of perfection and revision. To visit the museum – this is to get in enchanting outlandish world of forest spectacle. Therefore do not deprive yourself the possibility to see and feel the forest sculpture soul of Igor Fartushniy!


Working all days.

Working hours: 9:00 to 18:00

Lunch: 13:00 -14:00



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