Verkhovinskiy district  Mykhajlo Hrushevski Museum

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Grushivka prysilok, Kryvorivnia village,

Verkhovyna district, 78710



In 2000, when the holiday «Kryvorivnya–2000» was organized in Kryvorivnya, the decision about creation of M. Hrushevskiy museum was accepted. The exhibitions of the museum had been prepared by the scientific workers of the Ivano-Frankivsk local lore museum. And on September, 29, 2003 the museum was opened.

The exhibition is devoted to the life and creative work of Mykhailo Hrushevski, an outstanding Ukrainian historian, public figure and the first President of the Ukrainian People’s Republic. The life and creative activities of the prominent Ukrainian is presented in the museum large hall. The interior of Hrushevskiy work-room is reproduced documentarily in the memorial room, with a memorial wicker chair from the villa of Hrushevskiy, well-kept as a family relict by Yevdokiya Pavliuk.

In the museum of M.Hrushevskiy the following events have been conducted: conference «Mykhaylo Hrushevskiy and Hutsulschyna», exhibitions of the works of Igor Gapon (Lviv), photos of Peter Olar (Rome-Kyiv).

The museum is the branch of the Ivano-Frankivsk local lore museum.

Researches of M. Hrushevskiy’s life and activity in Kryvorivnya are going on.


Day off: Monday.

Working hours: 10:00 - 18:00

Lunch: 13.00-14.00


The museum was included into the list of the objects, which have been monitored for the accessibility.


Short description of the object accessibility:

There is a parking place near the museum. There are six steps before the entrance into the museum and no ramp. One has to pass through double-doors with thresholds of 4,5 sm. The doors width is enough to get on wheel-chair.

The museum rooms are spacious and convenient to pass on wheel-chair.

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Also visit:

«History of Tysmenytsia town» Museum named after Stepan Gavryliuk

Malyavskiy family Museum

Folk Museum of Education of Prycarpattya
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