Main Page

Welcome to the main page of the project “Museum Circle of Prykarpattya” site. Here you can get acquainted with the museum potential of the Ivano-Frankivsk region (Ukraine). The information about almost all the museums of the region is collected on the site, and now every interested person can familiarize with this information and choose a museum to be visited on your own.  

Main principles of the website:

The structure of the webpage is simple and consists of 4 chapters.

On the main page in the menu You can go to the Museums chapter, where it is possible to choose the museum on it's geographical position or by type. 

Using the Search in the top right corner of the main page You can find out the museum by the concrete request that you are interested in. For example if you are interested in Oleksa Dovbush person - requesting word should be "Dovbush".  

Forum of the site is for the communication among museum stuff and people who are interested in museums. Here you can make new contacts and discuss last news. 

Very interesting chapter for the users is Museum rating. Top-5 of museums are selected according to the votes of webpage users. Everyone has an opportunity to share his thoughts about the museum in comments and vote for the museum.

Also visit:

Country-House Museum of the «Shadows of Forgotten Forefathers» movie

Local lore museum of Kropyvnyk village

Museum "Ukrainian antiquity"
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