Dolinskiy district «Boykivschyna» Dolyna Regional Ethnography Museum of Tetyana and Omelyan Antonovych
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Chornovola St., 2-a, Dolyna, 77500 tel.: +38 03477 2-79-00 е-mail:
Museum is one of the youngest in the Carpathians region, founded in 1998. The departments of nature, history, ethnography and sacral art are created here. It is the first museum in Prycarpattia, devoted to Boykivschyna – the land, that without regard to the bright originality and old history, has not comparative enough been explored and learned until now. The museum creation has been started from the most important: research, collection and working of materials for future displays. In addition, cultural-elucidative work was conducted, constantly artistic exhibitions got organized. But absence of the proper premises did not allow creating of permanent exhibition. A new page of the museum activity has begun from September 2003, when thanks to the world known philanthropic foundation of Tetyana and Omelyan Antonovych (USA) the museum got the newly-built apartment. The inauguration of the new museum happened in 05.09.2003 and was timed to the first World Boyky festival in Prycarpattia. Among displayed exhibits there are interesting archaeological finds, tools and mode of life past tense, boyky’ clothes and embroidery. In a museum there are documents, which show different events from history of land, printed anciently, published in Ukraine, works of Ukrainian and folk graphic art, and also work of sacral art. Themes of excursions in the museum: «Surveying»; «Antonovych family»; «History of Dolyna»; «Noble people of Boykivschyna»; «Stone miracle of Boykivschyna»; «Doctor Volodymyr Horbyv»; «Dolyna artists»; «From history of Dolyna “Prosvyta”»; «Natural resources of Prycarpattya»; «Flora and fauna of Carpathians», other. The workers of museum, in addition to the thematic programs, offer excursion routes to the Goshiv monastery – «Mecca» of orthodox pilgrims; to Dovbush Rocks, which are named as «Carpathians Sphinx». We gladly greet visitors and aim that the museum gets priority in forming of spirituality and culture of the young generation, strengths love to the native history and the land, because «everybody must learn the nation and himself in the nation». Working days: without days off. Working hours: 9:00-17:00. The museum was included into the list of the objects, which have been monitored for the accessibility. Short description of the object accessibility: There is a parking place across the street. The main entrance of the museum has 6 steps; there is no a ramp, but there is a bell to call the personnel. The doors width is enough to pass on wheel-chair. There are two more steps after the main entrance doors. The museum rooms, corridors and doors between the rooms are wide enough to move on wheel-chairs. There are high steps leading to the first floor and nor special installations for people on wheel-chairs. WC does not have special conveniences for disabled.
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