Dolinskiy district  Local lore museum of Kropyvnyk village

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Shevchenka Str., 69, Kropyvnyk village,

Dolyna district, 77542

tel.: +380 3477 6-21-42 



The Museum at the secondary school named after M.Tymochko in Kropyvnyk was opened in 2000. Its activities mission is to involve the pupils and youth to education and preservation of the historical and culture heritage of Kropyvnyk village, upbringing in the spirit of patriotism, love to the Motherland and respect to the people, that have created the village history and that enrich it with their work and feats.

Museum room is divided into 7 exhibitions: «Village in the centuries»; «Village under Austria and Poland governance»; «Village’s talents»; «Academic from Prykarpattja: to the science tops. Work and achievements of the scientist, his preferences»; «Village in post-war period»; «Pedagogue and fighter (devoted to D. Kvecku, the fighter for Ukraine independence)»; «Village today».

The main activities of the museum: educational work; mass activities on local lore studies and tourism; research and ethnographic activities.


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Also visit:

«Fighters for the liberty of Ukraine» Museum of Kopachintsi village

Hutsul’ household «House-Grazhda» Museum

Prycarpathian Museum of Arts
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