Gorodenkivskiy district  Literary and Memorial Museum of Les’ Martovych

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Torgovytsia village,

Horodenka district, 78161

tel.: (03430) 5-90-21


Les’ Martovych literary and memorial museum was founded in 1971 on occasion of 100 anniversary of the writer’s birthday (12.02.1971). The bright many-sided satire of Les’ Martovych is valuable material to characterize the policy, culture and general atmosphere in Austro-Hungarian monarchy. The undying creations of the satiric have forever entered to the golden fund of our culture. The writer lived and created according to the credo: “For the people, not for the glory”.


The exposition contains a model of the house where the writer was born, country cloth of his parents. Numerous photos, personal items of the writer’s relatives, memories of his fellow-villagers tells about Les’ Martovych childhood. Among the exhibits there is Martovych’s certificate issued by Vienna University which proved that the writer studied there.

Also visit:

Museum of ethnography and life of Sadzhava village

Literature-memorial museum of Ivan Fedorak

Literary and Memorial Museum of Les’ Martovych
designed by   
Сонячні Творіння