Snyatinskiy district  Vasyl Kasian Art and Memorial museum

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Vojevody Kosniatyna Str., 48-e,

Sniatyn city, 78300

tel.: (03476) 2-20-32


The museum was opened in 1982. The exposition is placed in 5 rooms, a career of the artist is represented in two rooms, and in other three showrooms the graphics of Vasyl Kasian and his pupils-successors are placed. The personal things of Vasyl Kasian are represented in the exposition, in particular: art books and books about the artist, his personal library, manuscripts and objects, which he used. In the museum there is a large collection of photographic materials, which represents the life and art of artist.


The museum works:10:00 -18:00


The museum was included into the list of the objects, which have been monitored for the accessibility.


Short description of the object accessibility:

The museum is placed in one-storied building that has an original wooden terrace. The museum building has the entrance clearly visible from the street. The width of the central door (under condition of opening of its both parts) is sufficient for passage on a wheelchair. Wooden doors have a threshold (5-6 cm). The corridor is wide enough for maneuvers on wheel-chair. The movement in showrooms is convenient; the doors between the rooms are wide and have no thresholds.

The monument to Kasian is established in front of the museum. There are three steps from three sides to the monument.

There is a bus stop in front of the museum territory, the access from which to museum entrance is difficult (arrangement of small asphalt lifting is necessary).

Also visit:

Mykhajlo Hrushevski Museum

Folk Museum of Education of Prycarpattya

The state Historical-and-Ethnographical Museum “Berehynia”
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Сонячні Творіння