Historical-regional  Ivano-Frankivsk historical and memorial museum of Oleksa Dovbush

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Hetmana Mazepy Str., 1,

Ivano-Frankivsk, 76000


The whole exposition of the museum is based on the materials of the private collection of Volodymyr Hrabovetsky, the tireless researcher of the anti-feudal movement in Prykarpattya, professor, doctor of historical sciences, honored worker of the sciences of Ukraine, who during 45 years has collected the materials connected with the life and activities of Oleksa Dovbysh.

Oleksa Dovbysh as no one else deeply entered into the folk-lore, inspired many writers, poets, artists, musicians. He became a legend inter vivos.

A visitor can see on the museum displays and stands the documents and scientific materials about Opryshki movement in Prykarpattya, theliterature and belle-letters devoted to Oleksa Dovbush. There is memorial bronze medal with bas-relief of Oleksa Dovbush.

The axe of Oleksa Dovbush is one of the most valuable exhibits. This relict has been stored during more than two hundreds years by people of Kosmach village – the successors of those who saw Oleksa’s death. The other important exhibit – manuscript of the literary scenario of Liubomyr Dmyterko and Viktor Ivanov for the movie „Oleksa Dovbush”.

Also visit:

«Prosvita» Ancient Pokuttia Museum

Room–museum at library-branch, Chernyatyn village

Hutsul’ household «House-Grazhda» Museum
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