Rogatinskiy district  Mykola Ugryn-Bezgrishniy Memorial estate

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M. Ugryn-Bezgrishniy Str., 14, Rogatyn, 77000

tel.: +38 (03435) 2-17-31



Mykola Ugryn-Bezgrishniy Memorial estate is the constituent of Rogatyn town museum complex, branch of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Art Museum. It has been operating since 2004 in the premises of the renewed farmstead of Mykola Ugryn.

The whole museum display consists of 4th sections: «Mykola Ugryn-Bezgrishniy (1883-1960) and Rogatyn artists of the first half of ХХ century»; «Folk art, ethnography and mode of life of Rogatyn land»; «Art of East. Figure of Roxolana in the world and national context»; «Show-room».

Exhibition hall № 1. The key place belongs to the figure of Mykola Ugryn. Separate display windows are devoted to other section participants. There are represented: painting, graph, documents and photo materials from the life of artists, sketches of covers, booklet of exhibitions and others like that.

Exhibition hall № 2. There are represented crockery, clothes, household goods from a tree, stone, ceramics, which were in the wide use at Ugryn’ times. In displays - small sculptures, small boxes and sharpened vases from an alabaster, that were of great popularity at those times, and also straw wares.

Exhibition hall № 3. A few stands devoted to Roxolana are placed here; portraits reproductions of famous fellow countrymen, the model of medieval Rogatyn are situated near. Works of sacral art are also represented.

Exhibition hall № 4. This hall is used for exhibition activity and demonstration of local artists’ works.


Working days: Tuesday – Sunday, weekend: Monday.

Working hours: 9:00 - 18:00

Lunch: 13:00 - 14:00


The museum was included into the list of the objects, which have been monitored for the accessibility.

Short description of the object accessibility:

Special parking isn't present. The road to a museum is asphalted; there is a possibility to park a car. Within the project “Open tourism: accessibility of the rest in Ivano-Frankivsk region for people with disabilities” two ramps (to museum yard and directly to museum building itself) were built and a call button was installed. The museum court yard is stated by a tile, there are no problems for movement on wheel-chairs. Entrance doors are wide enough. Spacious rooms and passes between them don't create difficulty for the movement on the wheel-chair. Represented exhibits are signed and well enlighten. The toilet in the museum is not suitable for disabled people.

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