Historical-regional  Kryvorivnya Village Museum

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Kryvorivnya secondary school named after M.Hrushevskiy

Kryvorivnya village, Verkhovyna district, 78710

tel.: (03432) 5-34-43



The museum was created in 1965. Museum type: history and local lore. The history of Hutsul village, life and activities of Hutsul people are presented in this museum. There are about 100 exhibits in the museum funds.

Working days: Monday - Friday, days off: Saturday – Sunday.

Working hours: 9:00 - 15:00



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Also visit:

Museum “Sokil”

Folk Museum of Education of Prycarpattya

Museum "Nature of Halych Land" (Halych National Nature Park)
designed by   
Сонячні Творіння