Literary  Prykarpattya Literary Museum

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Lepkiy Str., 27, Ivano-Frankivsk

tel.: (0432) 2-50-47



The regional Prycarpattya Literary Museum was opened on May, 16, 1986. The display of museum tells about development of literary process of our land from the oldest times to the present.

Basic sections of  the museum:

1. Literary process on Prycarpattya in Õ²²² – ÕV²²² centuries.

Halych-Volyn chronicle and its authors.

Establishment and value of the first printing-houses in Stratyn and Krylos.

Writers-polemicists and their activity on Prycarpattya.

2. Literary motion of the first half of Õ²Õ century.

Literary and publishing activity of «Rus’ka trinity».

Edition and distribution of works of T. Shevchenko in Prycarpattya.

3. Development of literary motion in the second half of Õ²Õ - beginning of ÕÕ centuries. Place and role of Prykarpathian writers during this period.

Ivan Franko in Prycarpattya.

Ivan Franko is the most prominent researcher and publisher of verbal folk art of Prycarpattya.

Bogdan Lepkiy and Prycarpattya.

«Pokut’ska trinity» - the life and activity.

4. Literature of the second half of ÕÕ century.

Prycarpattya in the years of II World War.

Insurgent literature.

Stanislav regional literary association.

Formation and activity of regional organization of Union of writers of Ukraine.


Working days: Tuesday – Saturday, day-offs: Sunday, Monday

Working hours: 10:00 - 17:30

Lunchr: 13:00 - 14:00



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Also visit:

Museum of liberty fights of Pokuttja region

Museum of history of Tyshkivtsi village and Liberation competitions named after Roman Shukhevych

Museum of Hutsul embroidery
designed by   
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