Artistic Prycarpathian Museum of Arts
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Address of museum: Sheptitskiy square, 8, Ivano-Frankivsk, 76000 tel.: (03422) 3-00-39 e-mail: museum_ if@inbox
The Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Art Museum is the treasury of fine art of land. Its collection, began in 1980, engulfs unique sights of Halych’ icon-painting and barocco sculpture, works of classics of West-Ukrainian art: Kornil Ustinovych, Ivan Troush, Yaroslav Pstrak, Julian Dan’kevych, Olexa Novakivskiy, Osyp Sorokhtey, Olena Kul’chitska; works of the Ukrainian artists of the second half of the ХХ century, and also works of Polish, Austrian, German and Italian masters of XVIII-XX centuries. In the museum is saved the large collection of the modern foreign graphic arts given as a present from the exhibitions of International bijenale «Impreza». Folk art is represented by different types of arts and crafts of Hutsul’schyna, Boykivschyna, Pokuttya, Opillya. Operating exhibition hall is located in the oldest architectural building of city – renaissance Collegiate Catholic church of the ХVII century on the square of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptitskiy. The richest part of the museum collection is proposed for a review: local icon-painting of XV-XIX centuries; works of barocco plastic arts of Thomas Gudder, Konrad Kutchenrayter, Johan-George Pinzel’, Matwiy Poleyovskiy, Dionez Stanetti; pictures of Unterberg brothers; age-old church books published in Lviv, Pochayiv, Univ. Each month various exhibitions are conducted in a showroom, and in its permanent exhibition the concerts of classic music and choral singing are heard. For wide society of visitors the following is offered: familiarization excursions on Halychyna sacral art history; thematic excursions devoted to the separate sections of operating exhibition; public lectures; meeting with artists; expert examination of art works; guide-books and catalogues. The Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Art Museum offers: to acquaint: with a permanent exhibition the « Halychyna Sacral art of XV-XX centuries»; with the exhibitions of modern art; to visit: concerts of classic music and choral singing; to get: services in expert examination of art works; literature on the questions of art of museum department library. Day off: Monday. Working hours: 10:00 - 17:00
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