Kolomiyskiy district  Les’ Griniuk Regional Museum

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Folk house, Shevchenko St., Voskresintsi village

Kolomyya district, 78213

tel.: (096) 477-35-07



Basic museum activities: regional, literary.

In a museum such displays are organized: the life and activities of prominent people; the mode of life and ethnography; the liberation fight of the Ukrainian people.


Day off: Monday

Working hours: 11:00 - 18:00

Lunch: 15:00 - 16:00


Watch on the map

Also visit:

Museum of liberty fights of Pokuttja region

Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Ethnography and Local Lore Museum

Museum of history of Tyshkivtsi village and Liberation competitions named after Roman Shukhevych
designed by   
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