Ivano-Frankivsk  Folk Museum of Education of Prycarpattya

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Shevchenko Str., 57, Ivano-Frankivsk, 76000

tel.: (0342) 59-61-02



The museum of education of Prycarpattya was created in 1980 at the Ivano-Frankivsk state pedagogical institute named after Vasil’ Stefanyk. Hundred exhibits on the area of 200 sq.m. demonstrate the national education development in the region from times of Kyiv Rus’ till the present.

Separate section is devoted to history of Prycarpathian National University named after Vasil’ Stefanyk creation and development from the time of its establishment in 1940 till the period of becoming the most important educational institution of the Ivano-Frankivsk region. Considerable part of exhibits is original, and some – unique. About 150 thousand of guests have visited the museum, over 7 thousand of excursions have been conducted, and almost 100 thematic exhibitions have been organized.

The museum gives methodical assistance in creation of public and school museums; provides consultations to the university lecturers, teachers, students and pupils on the questions of education development in Prycarpattya, conducts wide searching, scientific-research and promotional activities. On its base the lecturers and students from and outside of the region conduct the advanced studies, there are scientific conferences and seminars, sessions on regional history and museology organized. In 1983 the Museum of education of Prycarpattya got the status of «folk».

The museum exhibition consists of three sections: «Education in Prykarpattya from times of Kyiv Rus’ till 1939»; «School and education in Prycarpattya in the period of 1939-2007»; «History of the Prycarpathian National University named after Vasil’ Stefanyk development».


Working days: Monday – Friday; days-off: Saturday, Sunday.

Working hours: 8:30 - 16:30



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Also visit:

Museum of history of Tyshkivtsi village and Liberation competitions named after Roman Shukhevych

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