Regional  Regional Ethnography Museum, Demyaniv village

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Shkil’na St., Demyaniv village

Halych district, 77131

tel.: (03431) 5-83-73



The museum was created in 1984 under the direction of L.G.Kolodiychuk, teacher of history. Now the museum has a separate room. In the museum funds there are 700 exhibits saved.

The museum exhibition is divided into 7 sections with the themes: «Flora and science of the land»; «Village in a grey remoteness»; «Village past and nowadays»; «They fighted for the liberty and better life of Ukraine»; «Giant of Prycarpattya»; «Our village is proud of them»; «Fighters for independence of Ukraine».

The school pupils are attracted to the museum activities. The meetings with the village old inhabitants, their memories about the people, who were striven for the independence of Ukraine, affect students very much; the sense of national dignity, kindness, mercy, pride for the fellow-villagers and for the village is educated in them thanks to such meetings.

The museum is visited no only by local people, but the students from other schools arrive with interest. On the base of the museum the regional and district seminars, lessons «Our land», ethnologies, conversations, excursions, holidays, wounds, lessons of memory are conducted.

The museum has been awarded by the diploma of regional education department for rich research-searching work among pupils.

We take care for the symbolic graves of the fighters for Ukrainian will, we collect materials about participation of fellow-villagers in the liberation fight for independence of Ukraine, background materials for the album «History of our village».




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