Historical-regional  «Prosvita» Ancient Pokuttia Museum

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I.Mazepa Str., 88a,

Kolomyya, 78200

tel.: (03433) 2-54-68



It is one of the oldest and famous museums in Ukraine, with over 22, 000 exhibits that cover the period starting from Trypillia culture to nowadays. Its 18 exhibition halls contain various types of folk art pieces, which the land is famous for since ancient times. Carved woods pieces that used to decorate houses and churches as well as furniture, agricultural implements, everyday household items, musical instruments, etc. are of particular interest.

Metal and horn items made at different periods of time by means of engraving, incrustation, forging and hammering, plaiting by Hutsul craftspeople are also prominently displayed.

The Museum also exhibits leather items: “keptars” (Hutsul items of sleeveless for outdoor clotting), “kozhykhs” (sheepskin coats), male bags, “cheers” belts (ancient wide leather belts sewn from two parts with a kind of pocket for money and other valuable things inside), belts used for festivities, and “postoly” (ancient soft pleasant footwear made of the whole piece of leather without soles, usually tied by ropes). National costumes combine the arts of weaving, embroidery, leatherworking and knitting. Pieces of artistic pottery show the development of Hutsul and Pokuttia ceramics. “Pysankas” (i.e. painted Easter eggs either hens’ or decorative, usually made of wood) hold a prominent place in the exhibition. Another extremely peculiar exhibits of the museum are Hutsul toys-lucky charms made of salted curbs.

The exhibition is adorned by the pieces of folk painting on lass the works of which are displayed here are the artists of the Shkribliak dynasty, V. Devdiuk, the Korpaniuks, the Korbovs, O. Bakhmatiuk, P. Koshak, H. Vasylanchyk, M. Medvidchuk, I. Semenko, P. Kharinchuk, H. Herasymovych, H. Vintoniak, I. Antoniuk, V. Huz, M. Tymkiv, the Voloshchuks, V. Kabyn, P. Tsviluk, P. Namaika, the Kikhevych and many other talented artists.


Weekend: Monday.

Working hours: 10:00 - 18:00



Also visit:

Ivano-Frankivsk historical and memorial museum of Oleksa Dovbush

Mykhajlo Hrushevski Museum

Country-House Museum of the «Shadows of Forgotten Forefathers» movie
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