Ivano-Frankivsk  Family professions Museum

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Kyivska Str., 6a, Ivano-Frankivsk, 76014

tel./fax: (03422) 3-11-94



Roman Fabrika, honored journalist of Ukraine, is the idea author and the proprietor of numerous exhibits. The veteran-reporter well-known outside of Prycarpattya had dreamt for a long time to open such museum. Recently an idea became reality.

In the specially built apartment the shelter for hundred instruments, tools, mechanisms, numerous attributes of many professions, things for daily life was found.

Not one year has been spent by Roman Fabryka for restoration of these relicts for the next generations not only of his family, but also for other visitors of this original museum. Everything represented here has good Ukrainian spirit, mother’s warmness. When you look at these known long ago things and objects, you see the sunburn hands of the known and unknown grain growers, weavers, joiners, ad boot-makers.

Museum motto «From a plough to the computer». The museum exhibition tells about 150 family professions within the last two hundred years. There were in family the bee-keepers and architects, blacksmiths and doctors, builders and geologists, miners and musicians, and also agriculturists, zoo-technics, teachers, fruit-growers. And as a matter of fact good manager, crafty people which were able to do «something from nothing».

In «Family professions Museum» there are durably restored plough and harrow, age-old spinning wheel and ceramic crockery, artistic weaving, blacksmith's instruments represented.


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