Nadvirnyanskiy district  Museum of Nadvirna land history

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Shevchenko square, Nadvirna, 78400

tel.: (03475) 2-48-14



The Museum of Nadvirna land history was created by historical and instructive society «Memorial» in 1995 with the purpose of recreation of history true about the heroic fight of the Ukrainian people for the independence in 40-50 years of ХХ century on the territory of Nadvirna land.

The museum exhibition is located in 14 halls of two-store house and in the basement. The museum offers such sections of the Ukrainian history: «Fight against all enslavers before ХХ century», «First World War: USS, UNR, ZUNR, formation of the political parties», «Soviet power in the Western Ukraine, bolshevist terror in 1939-1941»; «German occupation, creation of UPA»; « UPA fight against the fascist and bolshevist regime»; «Ukrainian state formation in 80-90 years of ХХ century»; «Front room of ethnology»; «History of handicrafts and trades of Nadvirna land»; «Glorious native inhabitants»; 3 halls are occupied by cultural and art fund named after Volodymyr Lutsiv– singer-bandura-player with world name, citizen of England, of Nadvirna origin.

Here there are priceless books, epistolary inheritance – inexhaustible source for artists, research workers, writers. Correspondence with Grigoriy Kruk, Mykhaylo Moroz, Yakiv Gnizdovskiy and with other noble people is saved.


Working days: Monday – Friday, day-off: Saturday.

Working hours: 9:00 - 17:00, on Sunday: 11:00 - 15:00.


The museum was included into the list of the objects, which have been monitored for the accessibility.


Short description of the object accessibility:

A parking area is located not far from the museum. The square in front of the museum is lined with tiles, to reach the entrance to the museum,it is necessary to overcome one step.

Entrance to the Museum is wide enough. To get to the corridor, it is necessary to overcome three steps (no ramps). Width of doors between the rooms of the museum is enough to pass on wheelchair.
Between the first and second expositional room there are three steps.
The basement with former dungeons is a part of the museum exposition. For people on wheelchairs this part of the museum is inaccessible because of narrow metal doors, which are preserved since the times of the dungeons here, and stairs to the basement.

Museum exhibits are signed.


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Also visit:

Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Ethnography and Local Lore Museum

Museum “Sokil”

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Сонячні Творіння