Historical-regional  Historical and local lore museum of Vorokhta village

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Danyla Halytskogo Str., 76, Vorokhta village,

Yaremche city council, 78595

tel.: +380 3434 4-13-13




The ceremonial opening of the museum was held in January 2007. The museum demonstrates the processes of settlement appearance, opryshki movement in Vorokhta surroundings, religious life. One part of the permanent exhibition is devoted to the life and work of Stepan Fedak (1861-1937), forgotten minister Western Ukrainian People’s Republic and Ukrainian people’s Repubic, father-in-law of Y. Konovalets and A. Melnyk, patron of art, philanthropist, prominent public activist; and of his family, their connections with Vorokhta.

There are also materials about development of forestry, sport and tourism, spa centers, biographies of village leaders, famous teachers of the village school, other prominent people born in Vorokhta, etc.


Working days: Friday-Sunday; days off: Monday-Wednesday.

Working hours: 10:00-17:00.

Lunch: 13:00-14:00.



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The state Historical-and-Ethnographical Museum “Berehynia”

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designed by   
Сонячні Творіння