Artistic-regional  Museum-monument of wooden architecture and painting of the ХVI – XIX centuries – Church of the Holy Spirit

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Roksolana St., 10 Rogatyn, 77000

tel.: (03435) 2-21-26, 2-17-31




A church is located in the western part of city, in former handicraft New City suburb a, on a hill above the Gnyla Lypa river. The Rogatyn Church of the Holy Spirit is mentioned in the records of the Central State History archive of Ukraine in Lviv from the ХІІ century, and also in 1481, 1562 and 1567. But Volodymyr Vuytsyk, researcher from Lviv, entered also the year of 1598 to the scientific usage, as year of creation of this church according to the inscription which is marked in the interior of the north wall of the church. It was built without a nail, at a necessity wooden stakes were used. Length of the building is 22 m, width – 7 m.

The altar is separated by a iconostasis that is one of biggest masterpieces of Lviv painter school of the late renaissance epoch. The magnificent fretted decorative patterns are increased by silvering and gild, enriched by polychrome. The iconostasis was created in 1650 by resources of Rogatyn fraternities. The iconostasis consists of five horizontal tiers: “predely”, “namisniy”, “praznichniy’ or “festive”, “apostolic” and “prophetic”.

Except of the iconostasis, a number of other icons are represented in the church display also. The well-kept in the Church of the Holy Spirit icon of the ХVI century «Ioann Baptister’ with a life» is the oldest by the time of creation of works of painting (1520).

The icons of primitive iconostasis “The rising of Holy Spirit on apostles”, “Ioann Bogoslov and warrior Longyn” and “The Virgin Mary and Maria Magdalyna”, which were created in the late ХVI - and early ХVII century, have been preserved till nowadays.

The church of Holy Spirit became a museum – branch of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Artistic Museum in 1983.

Working days: Tuesday – Sunday.

Work hours: 9:00 - 18:00

Lunch: 13:00 - 14:00


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Local lore museum of Carpathian flora and fauna (Kniazhdvir reserve)

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