Literary-ethnographic  Gnat Khotkevych Hutsul Theater Folk Museum

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 Krasnoyillya village,

Verkhovyna district, 78716

tel.: +38 (03432) 7-66-51


A mountain Krasnoyillya village with its beauty attracts the attention of many writers, ethnographers and scientists. At the beginning of ХХ century V.Gnatiuk, I.Franko, M.Kotsiubynskiy, Les’ Kurbas, Stanislav Vintsenz, and lot of other famous persons came here. But especially Krasnoyillya, as well as Hutsul’schyna, is grateful to Gnat Khotkevych, born in Slobozhanschyna, writer and dramatist who had emigrated to Halychyna and then to Hutsul’schyna after revolutionary events of 1905.

In the center of Krasnoyillya there is a small wooden house. On the wall – memorial plaque, on which inscription: «In this house Gnat Khotkevych, well-known Ukrainian writer and public figure worked with the first Hutsul theater in 1908-1912». The house was built in 1906 on the costs of the village community. In this house G. Khotkevych created the miracle – the First Hutsul theater, with which subdued the theatrical daises of Halychyna, Bukovyna, Poland and Russia.

A public museum in this house was opened on occasion of 110-th anniversary of the writer’s birthday. In 2004 the museum got the rank of «folk». The museum exhibition is located in a room and a hall with stage, where presentations of the first Hutsul Theater were organized. It consists of such basic sections: «History»; «Mode of life; «Education and culture».

The exhibition of the first room begins from the village history, where we find out about the first writing mentions in 1661, and after P. Sirejuk research - in 1649. In the showcases there are ecclesiastical books, photos of Hutsul insurrectionists of 1920; things of mode of life and household use. Other section tells about the first school founded in 1827, about Mykhaylo Morovyk, the first teacher. The next section is devoted to relations of Gnat Khotkevych to Hutsul’schyna. Being here, he came to love this land, created the cycles of works about Hutsul’schyna nature «Mountain aquarelles», about the life of Hutsul «Hutsul images» and other masterpieces.

In the exhibition center there is a portrait of G. Khotkevych, pictures of First Hutsul theater participants. The first presentation of «Verkhovyntsy» play of the Polish writer P. Kozheniovs’kiy, translated into a Hutsul dialect under the name «Antin Revizorchuk», was conducted in the reading room of Krasnoyillya, the second - in Zhab’ye in 1910. From this time a dramatic group was named the Hutsul Theater.

The next exhibition is devoted to the actors of the first Hutsul Theater: on the stands there are photocopies of letters and memories of theater participants; mass media reviews on theater spectacles and tours.

Part of the exhibition tells about the Theater Hutsul evenings; presents musical works for the play on a bandura, written by G. Khotkevych. These displays show the second revival of the Hutsul Theater in 1930. On stands there are pictures of Khotkevych family, participation of theater in the first festival «Red Rue» in 1989. The special exhibition is presented here devoted to 120th anniversary of Les’ Kurbas, who played in the Hutsul theater during 1912. The other stands tell about celebrating of 125th anniversary from G. Khotkevych’s birthday. In 2007 the theatrical festival devoted to G. Khotkevych’s 130th anniversary was started. The picture of participants of the Theater second generation is also placed.

In 1987 a new memorial plaque with a bas-relief of Khotkevych was installed on a building of «Prosvyta» reading room on occasion of 110th anniversary. The exhibition in the hall starts from the pictures of the third generation of the modern Hutsul Theater revived in 1988; there are playbills of theater spectacles in 1988 in M. Zan’kovets’ka Lviv theater with G. Khotkevych «Hutsul year» play at evening, devoted to 50th anniversary from the day of tragic death of G. Khotkevych.

The modern Hutsul Theater mainly consists of grandchildren and great-grandchildren of former actors from the first and second theater generations, who are popularizing the theatrical heritage of G. Khotkevych.


Days off: Monday, Saturday

Working hours: 10:00 - 18.15; Sunday: 10:00 - 17:00

Lunch: 14:00 - 15:00


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